College fee for Chippy

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Jan 10, 2015 - Nilgiri, Tamilnadu (MCID-140-14-15)
Chippy, a resident of Nilgiri Dist., Tamilnadu is doing her third year BSc. Nursing from St.Joseph’s college of Nursing, Mysore, and is struggling to pay her college fee. Her father, Saji is working as a coolie and her mother is a homemaker. She has a younger sister studying in 12th and a young brother studying in 10th standard.

The total fee for the course is Rs.4 lakhs including books, hostel fees, stationary etc. Saji’s monthly income is Rs.2,500 and he is struggling to meet educational and daily expenses of his family. Chippy has always excelled in studies scoring 91% for her 10th standard board exams. They paid the fee for the first two years by taking loans from the bank and from well-wishers. But now, they need Rs.96,000 for the next two years to complete her degree. They approached MicroCharity for financial support.

March 05, 2015 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.48,000 towards this year’s fees, to be paid to the college. The balance amount will be raised next year.
March 10, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund Raising closed for this cause. Rs 48,000 is raised from 14 micro donations in 5 days. We will be paying fee directly to college shortly.
Jan 14, 2016 - Fund Raising for Final Year (MCID-131-15-16)
Chippy is in her final year BSc. Nursing now and doing well in her studies. She scored 78% for the previous year university exams. Total fee for this year is Rs. 83,000 including hostel fee. Her family is not in a financial position to support this amount.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.55,000.

January 28, 2016 - Fund Raising Completed
Fund raising is completed for this cause. Rs 55,000 is raised from 30 micro donations in 14 days. The fee will be paid directly to the college shortly.