Heart Surgery for Saju

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June 1, 2017 - Bangalore, Karnataka (MCID-108-17-18)
Saju Thomas from Bangalore, India is in urgent need our financial assistance for his mitral valve replacement surgery that has to be done immediately. He has been suffering from rheumatoid heart disease since childhood and has been on treatment for a long time. Now, doctors have recommended surgery to prevent the situation from worsening any further.

Saju is working as a hotel supplier and earns just enough to keep his family fed and clothed. His wife joined and private financial firm 3 months back to give them some additional income. Their daughter is in 9th standard, son in 5th standard and they also have a little baby of 2 years, who is blind in one eye since birth.

The total cost of surgery comes to Rs. 2.8 lakhs. The family is living from hand to mouth and cannot afford this expense by any means. Some friends and well-wishers have offered to raise Rs.1 lakh, but they are struggling to raise the rest of the money. He is already admitted to Narayana Hridayalaya and the surgery is scheduled for 22nd June, 2017. Saju approached MicroCharity for financial assistance to complete his heart surgery scheduled in another 3 days.

June 19, 2017 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves urgent fund request of Rs. 75,000.
June 21, 2017 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs. 75,000 is raised from 24 micro donations in just 2 days. We have paid the amount to Hospital and surgery is scheduled for tomorrow.

June 30, 2017 – Saju got discharged from hospital after surgery. Surgery was successful. doctors ended up replacing both valves.