Financial help to buy an auto for Dhamodharan

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Nov 14, 2016 - Bangalore, Karnataka (MCID-128-16-17)
Dhamodharan, a 32-year old plumber from Bangalore needs our help in getting back on his feet after life dealt him a heavy blow. In 2014, he fell from the third floor of the building where has was working and suffered a spinal cord injury. He was taken to VIMS super specialty hospital, Marathahalli, where he underwent spine stabilization surgery and was admitted for 13 days. He consulted multiple hospitals before he was taken to St. John’s hospital for rehabilitation.

Now he is paralyzed waist down and wheel-chair bound. Dhamodharan stays with his wife, who is a home maker and 2 sons aged 9 years and 6 years. A very driven and optimistic young man, he wants to start earning again, however limited his opportunities. He is now planning to ride an auto to earn money for his family’s sustenance and children’s education.

Total cost for the auto is Rs. 1.8 lakhs, out of which the down payment comes to Rs. 80,000. He is planning to take loan for the rest of the amount and pay it back from his earnings. The family has no other source of income and approached MicroCharity for financial assistance. We are proud stand by Dhamodharan undying spirit and passion.

November 21, 2016 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.80,000.
November 28, 2016 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs.80,000 is raised from 18 micro donations in 7 days. We will be paying this amount as down payment for booking an autoriksha shortly.