Wheelchair for Vivek

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Oct 1, 2015 - Coimbatore, Tamilnadu (MCID-124-15-16)
K R Vivek was a healthy, dynamic, 24-year old, just one month into his new job, when tragedy turned his life upside down in the form of a bike accident. Hailing from Coimbatore in Tamilnadu, Vivek had barely completed a month in his new job at Martin and Group, when he met with an accident on August 27th, 2015. He was rushed to Ganga Hospital where he underwent multiple surgeries to his spine and clavicle. After couple of months in the hospital, he was discharged recently. But, Vivek has almost no sensation waste-down, and cannot talk since his tongue was damaged. He is recovery slowly, but would need many more months of physiotherapy before he can be on his feet again. The family has already spent Rs. 8.5 lakhs, of which Rs.5.25 lakhs is borrowed from friends and well-wishers. Vivek’s employer also covered approximately Rs.2 lakhs of his medical bill.

Vivek’s family has no other source of income at present. His dad, a long-standing employee with Indian railways, is disabled after his leg was amputated due to diabetes. His mother, Priya, recently underwent an operation at ESI hospital and is just recovering from the complications. His only sibling is doing 1st year MSc. The family is in dire need of financial assistance to cover the on-going treatment for Vivek and also to pay back the loans taken. They approached MicroCharity for support.

Oct 26, 2015 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs 50,000.
Oct 29, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed
We have had overwhelming response to help Vivek with the expenses for his treatment. Since Vivek and his family are in dire need of our help, we have increased the support by another Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 70,000

Raised Rs. 70,000 from 25 donors in 3 days. The money will be transferred to the hospital soon.

May 30, 2016 - MCID-106-16-17 - Thoughtful gesture by Friend's of Haris
Vivek is still paralyzed hip down and needs 3 months of continuous physiotherapy and Varma therapy, at a cost of Rs 26,200. Financial situation of the family really bad and his mother is not able to manage the family expenses along with Vivek’s treatment. MicroCharity has verified details with the hospital and confirmed that he is in dire need of this treatment.

We also have a touching story to add. A group of donors have come together and decided to sponsor this cause fully in memory of their dear deceased friend, Haris. On their request, we add this line as a token of respect and appreciation. Thank you from the MicroCharity team for this thoughtful gesture.

This amount is fully donated in the loving memory of Haris by his dearest friends

Feb 24,2017 - Coimbatore, Tamilnadu (MCID-134-16-17)
We salute the spirit of Vivek, who refuses to let his disability immobilise him complete. He is now working at Ganga Spine and Rehabilitation center, Coimbatore, and earning and income of Rs.10,000 a month. But this income is not enough to meet his medical expenses and his daily commute to work in a cab, all of which comes to more than Rs.20,000. Vivek’s mother is not able to work after her surgery and she also has to take care of Vivek’s needs.

The family approached MicroCharity for sponsoring a wheelchair, so that Vivek can have a little more mobility. He had used a rented wheelchair for some time, and it worked wonders for his confidence, strength and self-sufficiency. His father is also bed-ridden after his leg amputation. The meager penson that this ex-Railways employee gets and Vivek’s salary together is not enough to sustain this family’s daily needs, let alone the medical expenses. Total cost for the wheelchair is Rs.36,370.

Feb 24,2017 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. Rs.36,370.
Mar 09,2017 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs. Rs.36,370 is raised from 16 micro donations in 13 days. We will be buying the wheel chair and passing to Vivek soon.