Nursing college fee for Aleena

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July 18, 2018 - Thrissur, Kerala (MCID-117-18-19)
Aleena and family from Thrissur, Kerala have gone through a lot of hardships in health and finances. She lives with her father, mother and 2 younger sisters, who are studying. They used to own cows and goats, selling milk to earn a living. But Aleena’s mother got a severe allergy to cow dung few years back. Doctors advised her to not go near cows or goats again, and they had to sell all cattle.

Vincent, her father, paid money to an agent for Jordan visa to work in a fishing boat there. He worked for 1.5 years in Jordan but was not paid any salary. The work was so demanding, that he fell down and got a fracture in his spine. He was sent back to India without any of the promised salary. Vincent is not able to work any longer. He earns a little money doing odd jobs as coolie, that does not strain his body much.

Aleena joined for a diploma course in Engineering at Rajah college of nursing, Thrissue. She completed her first year with financial help from friends and well-wishers. The family has no means to pay the Rs.20,000 needed for second year fee. They approached MicroCharity for financial help.

July 25, 2018 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.20,000.
July 30, 2018 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs.20,000 is raised from 12 micro donations in 5 days. We will be paying the fee directly to college shortly.