School Fees, Books & Uniforms for three children

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July 1, 2012 - Bannerughatta Road, Bangalore
Dhana Sekhar is an orphan. He is brought up by a sick old lady. She also looks after two of her grand children who lost their parents. The grandmother works in the neighborhood as a domestic help. Dhana Sekhar, Shankar & Ganesh are studying in 8th, 9th & 10th standards respectively. Two of them study at Loyola School, Bennarughatta Road, the third one in a school at Bilekahalli, Bangalore.

They require help each year in raising the fund for School fee, books and uniforms.

MicroCharity has been helping this family for about six years. So far raised about Rs. 60,000 from 10 donors.

July 20, 2012 - Fund Request for Academic year 2012-13
Dhana Sekhar, Shankar and Ganesh require Rs. 10,875 for the current academic year.
July 25, 2012 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
Microcharity approved the fund request of Rs. 10,875. Deadline for raising the fund is August 10, 2012.
August 11, 2012 - Fund Raised
Rs. 10,875 is raised from 9 donors.