Dental Diploma Course fee for Justeen
Oct 10, 2015 - Dharmagiri, Tamilnadu(MCID-127-15-16)

Justeen A.B from Dharmagiri in Tamilnadu is in need of your assistance in paying the fee for his dental diploma course. Justeen completed his 10th standard with 88% marks and 12th with 72%. This bright young boy wanted to be an engineer, and was well on his way to doing so, when tragedy struck this family. His father Binoy, fell down from a tree on 11th August, 2014, while he was at his coolie work. His spinal cord was damaged, and he had to undergo surgeries to fix a steel rod to support his vertebral column. He is now bed-ridden.
Since he was the only earning member of the family, they fell into bad times. Justeen’s mother Shobha, is now going for coolie work for a meager Rs.160 per day, which is not sufficient to meet the family’s daily expenses and Benoy’s medical treatment. Justeena, his sister is studying in 10th standard. Justeen had to drop his ambition of becoming an engineer and joined a Dental Diploma course, which has got decent career possibilities. The total fee for the course if Rs.1,35,000 including hostel fee and expenses. Since the family is unable to bear this financial burden at the moment, Justeen approached MicroCharity for financial support.
November 9, 2015 - MicroCharity approves the fund request

MicroCharity approves fund request for Rs.60,000.
November 20, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed

Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs.60,000 is raised from 17 micro donations in 11 days. We will be paying the fee directly to Institute shortly.
Aug 13, 2016 - Fees for year 2016-17 (MCID-120-16-17)

Justeen completed his first year in dental diploma with a commendable 75% and is in his 2nd year now. His father, Binoy is still bed-ridden with very little improvement in his condition, forcing Justeen to approach MicroCharity for help.
2nd year fee is Rs.40,000 and hostel fee is Rs.20,000.
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.42.000.
Aug 20, 2016 - Fund raising completed.

Rs. 42,000 raised from 15 Donors in 7 days.