Jan 25, 2021 - Kasaragod, Kerala (MCID-117-20-21)

19-year-old Somina needs our help in starting her Medical Imaging course. Her father is a daily wage laborer and her mother is a home maker. She has a brother and sister who are still in school. Somina’s father earns Rs.20,000 per month and is not able to sustain their daily household expenses plus children’s education.
They have taken an education loan for Rs. 40,000. But that’s not nearly enough to pay the college fee of Rs. 1,01,600 for Somina’s vocational course in Medical Imaging Technology (B-Voc MIT). So she approached MicroCharity for financial assistance.
Feb 3, 2021 - Fund Raising Approved

MicroCharity approves fund request of INR 13,500 towards first year College Fee.
Fund Raising Closed

Fund raising closed. The fund will be transferred to Somina’s college.