Eye Surgery for Baby Paulose

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Oct 10, 2018 - Aluva, Kerala (MCID-123-18-19)
49-year old Baby Paulose has been suffering from vision impairment for the past one year. He was working as a helper in a vegetable shop when tragedy struck. He lost eyesight completely in one eye, and the other has only 50% vision. He also tried working in a restaurant as a waiter, but he was not able to see empty glasses and he broke a few before he left the job.

Doctors have recommended multiple surgeries for both eyes at a cost of INR 1.2 lakhs to restore his vision. Baby is staying with his wife Kochuthresia, who is not able to work due to knee problems; his elderly aunt who’s suffering from asthma, fits and vision impairment. He also has four children, the eldest girl is married, second one is a seminarian, the other two going to school. One of his children has 80% disability. The family is currently living in an old house which is under dispute, which they may have to vacate any time. Baby is very eager to stand on his feet and work to earn his living. He has plans to sell fish by the roadside, but his vision is causing problems in taking up any job.

Oct 15, 2018 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of INR 60,000.
Oct 29, 2018 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs. 60,000.is raised from 9 micro donations in 14 days. We will be paying the amount to hospital for his surgery.