Helping an Infant with Multiple Holes in Heart

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Sep 21, 2012 - Bangalore, Karnataka (MCID-110-12)

Baby of Sowmya is a one month old baby with multiple holes in his heart. His parents haven’t named him yet. They are in tears and busy raising fund to keep him alive. He is admitted to Narayana Hrudyalaya Hospital in Bangalore(Hospital Id: 418292). A surgery costing Rs. 2.7 lakhs is an immediate solution. After five years another surgery is required to cure him completely. His parents are poor. The hospital has already offered them a discount of Rs. 50,000. His parents have gathered Rs. 26,000. A well wisher has raised Rs. 1 lakh. So, the baby needs about Rs. 1 lakh to stay alive.

Sep 22, 2012 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity decided to raise at least Rs. 50,000 to join the baby’s fight for life.
Sep 27, 2012 - Surgery Completed
  The baby’s surgery is completed in Narayana Hrudyalaya,  Bangalore. Surgery was successful and he is recuperating well . Thanks for everyone who contributed for this cause

Mean time few other well wishers are able to raise some more funds for the baby hence MicroCharity decided to revise its target to Rs 30,000. We are hoping that with this Rs 30,000, we will be able to help the family with the final bill settlement in the hospital and also buy some medicines for them at the time of dis-charge from hospital


October 5, 2012 - Fund Raising Completed
MicroCharity is happy to announce that fund raising is closed for this cause. We raised Rs 30,000 from 14 different individuals in 13 days.  
October 6, 2012 - Baby Discharged
  Baby got dis-charged from hospital and he is doing well. Thanks for all those who helped.
October 19, 2012 - Baby Re-admitted
  Baby of Soumya is again admitted to the hospital due to fits , vomiting , diarrhea and fever . Baby is in Critical condition in ICU .
October 20, 2012 - CT Scan Done
CT Scan on baby shows that there is no blood circulation in one side of the brain of the child. Doctors wanted to start the treatment in ICU which will last for 15 days. Baby is shifted to St. John’s Hospital, Bangalore to make the treatment bit more afforable.
October 22, 2012 - Re-opening the fund request
MicroCharity decided to re-opening the case with immediate effect. We are not setting any target for this cause as at this moment we dont know how much we need to raise. Request all good hearted people to help this baby.
October 31, 2012 - Closed the Case
MicroCharity is closing this case as Parents accepted the offer of another good hearted group  to cover the entire expense of the treatment. Thanks for all those contributed or offered their help. We will be re-funding all the received amounts or will re-allocate them to another cause after getting consent from each donor.
November 21, 2012 - Baby Discharged
  Baby of Soumya is now named as Stephen David. He is doing well and got discharged from hospital and at home now. He may need another surgery when he acquire 10 Kg weight. Thanks for all the donors who made it happen. Your small contributions changed one little boy’s life in a big way!
April 4, 2013 - Stephen David is no more....
  We have to share a very painful news that Baby Stephen David went back to his heavenly abode in March, 2013 despite the best efforts by the family to save him.

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