Helping a Preterm Born Baby battling for Life

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Nov 5, 2012 - Bangalore, Karnataka - MCID-112-12

Baby of Manju was born pre-mature in the seventh month on 14 Aug 2012. The baby was in Ventilator & NICU since then. He has developed Pneumonia and respiratory issues. It was all well last week and as they were about to leave the hospital, the baby fell ill due to infections, and was moved to ventilator again. According to doctors, his liver is not growing as expected which they think will happen in next couple of weeks.

The parents are poor and young, and they have no family to support. Father of the baby is a Plumbing helper who earns Rs 200/day. The hospital expenses has already crossed Rupees 2 lakhs. The parents sold their valuables and paid Rupees 1.1 lakhs already. Hospital helped them till now by not pressing for any money for all the services they provide but requesting parents to atleast cover the day to day medicine expenses.

The baby is at St. John’s Hospital, Bangalore.  Hospital Id: 3012588/1022918.

Click here to Read Doctor’s Report

Nov 7, 2012 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
Microcharity decided to take up the medical expenses for Baby of Manju and approves Rs 50,000 for this cause. We will be passing the money to St. John’s Hospital as when we raise to cover the day to day medicine expenses.  Deadline for raising the fund  is November 16, 2012.
Nov 8, 2012 - Money Paid to Hospital
Microcharity paid Rs 10,000 from the donations which it received to St. John’s Hospital to cover the immediate medicine needs.


Nov 9, 2012 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund Raising is suscessfully closed for this cause. We Raised Rs 50,000 from 15 different donors in less than 24 hours. Big Thanks to all those who contributed. We will be passing the money directly to Hosptial shortly.
Nov 11, 2012 - Money Paid to Hospital
Microcharity paid Rs 40,000 from the donations which it received to St. John’s Hospital  through a cheque.
Nov 23, 2012 -Status Update
 Baby of Manju is doing very well now. He is off from ventilator and in NICU with just simple support of oxygen. Doctors are expecting that they will be able to move him to normal ward soon. They actually want to discharge him to home as they think home is more safe place than hospital as there is a high chance of getting infection in hospital ward. But he need a oxygen support at home also and having 24/7 electricity at home is a problem. So they will do a scan today and take a final call whether to discharge or keep him in isolation ward for couple of days more.
Dec 6, 2012 -Status Update
 Baby of Manju is discharged from hospital. He is back home after 4 months of his birth. Parents are really happy that their child is back home finally and they extended sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who helped them.

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