May 1, 2021 - Idukki, Kerala (MCID-103-21-22)

Sinomon from Idukki, Kerala has been suffering from kidney failure for the past 5 years and is undergoing regular dialysis. Each dialysis costs about INR 1,000 and he need about 2 or 3 sessions a week. Kidney transplant is the only solution, but the family has no means to go ahead with it. 3 months back, while going for dialysis, Sinomon met with an accident and suffered a leg fracture. So currently he needs treatment for that as well.
He was working as a daily wage laborer, but currently he is not able to work after the leg injury. Currently, he is currently staying in a home for the destitute where they provide at least the basic meals. Sinomon’s mother goes for some government-sponsored daily wage work, which is the only income for the family. But that is not regular, and she hardly earns enough to sustain the family. They reached out to MicroCharity for help with the dialysis.
May 6, 2021 - Fund Raising Approved

MicroCharity approves fund request of INR 50,000.
May 6, 2022 - Fund Raising for Kidney Transplant (MCID-103-22-23)

Sinomon had been undergoing 3 dialysis sessions per week for past few years. Doctors have recommended kidney transplantation as the only solution. They have found a donor, and the transplantation surgery is scheduled for May 17th, 2022.
The total cost for surgery and post-operative treatment is approximately Rs. 12 lakhs. Sinomon’s family is in dire need of financial assistance, since there are no other earning members.
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 1 lakh.
May 25, 2022 - Fund Raising Closed

Fund raising closed. The fund will be transferred to Sinomon’s Hospital.
Nov 15, 2022 - Fund Raising for Post Transplant Treatment (MCID-117-22-23)

Sinomon’s kidney transplant was completed and he is recovering well. But he does not have any income since he is unable to work. Following the surgery, his medical expenses of Rs. 22,000 per month were covered by well-wishers. But he is now struggling to pay as the help is drying up, and he reached out to MicroCharity for help.
MicroCharity has approved fund request for Rs. 44,000 to help pay for the medication for the next two months.
Nov 30, 2022 - Fund Raising Closed

Fund raising closed. The fund will be paid against Sinomon’s Medical expenses.