Education for children of Santal tribal community

The only way to help them to come out of their illiteracy, alcoholism, superstitious beliefs is EDUCATION. Through regular visits and conscientization, our contact person has been able to convince some of the parents, and 10 children are ready to be admitted an English medium school. The villages are 6-7 kilometers away from the school. In order to assure the regular attendance, learning and dignified behavior these children should be in hostels. Even if they are provided with all facilities to study, due to their deep rooted stigma they may struggle to compete with others or even drop out. But the aim is to help this generation to begin to change the stigma attached to their tribal community by interacting and competing with others in a healthy atmosphere. Their stay in the hostel will help them develop social, psychological skills needed for a healthy life, and in the long run, help the community as a whole.
The total fee per child for the year comes to Rs. 23,400 per year including admission, tuition, school accessories, and hostel.

Lakhiram Hembrom – 11 year old
Regena Besera – 6 year old
Mary Kisku – 5 year old
Santina Tudu – 5 year old